1) Вы когда - нибудь опаздываете в школу/работу? Когда был последний раз?
2) Когда был последний раз, вы потерялись? Куда вы пытались добраться? Что произошло?
3) Что вас злит? Когда был последний раз вы злились очень сильно? почему?
4) Когда был последний раз вы получали от кого - то подарок? Что было в подарке? От кого был этот подарок?
5) Как вы ладите со своей семьей? Есть ли кто - то, с кем вы не ладите?
6) Какой возраст, по - вашему, подходит для брака? Почему?
7) Какие проблемы решаются в вашей стране в лучшую сторону? Какие нет?
Ответы... ну, тут половина из вопросов со своим ответом
<span>Millions of tons of water fall from the cliff where the Niagara River
rushes from Lake Erie to Lake Ontario; deafening roar can be heard for many
kilometers around.<span>
A cloud
of spray raised high in the air where the Niagara River is roaring and foaming
in the boiler at the foot of the waterfall. This famous waterfall consists of
two parts: the American and Horseshoe Falls. Between them is Goat Island - an
island covered with trees in the middle of the river.
known, perhaps, Horseshoe Falls, which forms an arc length of 792 m, with the
Canadian side of the border. The road running along the river, allows us to
consider the vicinity, water, smooth surface that resembles a dark green glass,
falling down a cliff, turns into white foam.
Falls is less and forms a straight line length of about 300 m. At the foot of
the American Falls are fragments of rock, as opposed to the bare cliff
Horseshoe Falls. The height of the two waterfalls about 50 m.
Falls there are only about 10,000 years - a relatively short period in the
geological term. When the last ice age ended, massive glaciers retreating,
leaving behind the Great Lakes. Due to the nature of the river system water
flows out of Lake Erie at 56 km in the Niagara River lying 100 m. Below Lake
Ontario. From Lake Ontario flows, in turn, the river St. Lawrence.
Above the
falls the river bed runs through the hard dolomite, under which, however, are
softer rock - slate and sandstone. Initially the river crashes down a cliff
about 11 km. north of the present location of the waterfall, but as fast during
eroded the softer underlying rocks, dolomite collapses. Step-by-step waterfall
receded, leaving behind a deep gorge, and today is far from the place where was
born 10,000 years ago. Falls recede by about 1 m. Per year, and is now at 305
m. Upstream of the place where the French explorer Louis Ennepe saw it back in
1678. However, there is Goat Island River divided in half; moreover, at least
half the water Niagara reserved for electricity production - all this means
that the waterfall is now much more stable than it was in the past.
With bridges and parking lots on both sides of the river a
beautiful view; One of the most popular bridges - the Rainbow Bridge (Rainbow),
named because of the rainbow, playing in the spray of a waterfall. The true
extent and power of Niagara's most clearly appear from the boats dare go into
the rushing water at the foot of the waterfall.</span></span>
It was four degrees above zero in Madrid three days ago. Три дня назад в Париже было плюс один.