1. By whom was the secondary school finished last year?
2. How are the exams sometimes passed by him?
3. Where will he be often sent to?
4. What street was named Sennaya Street many years ago?
5. When was the composition written by the girl?
6. How does my brother always study at school?
7. Who does not usually live together with their parents?
8. When didn't we meet each other?
9. Where did we live last month?
10. When will he go to the theatre?
Вот перевод,ответь сам(а)
1. У тебя есть бабушки и дедушки?
2.Есть ли у твоих бабушек и дедушек дети?(дословно)
3.У тебя есть братья или сестры?4.У твоего папы есть сестра?5.У твоей мамы есть брат?6.Есть ли утебя тетя?7.Есть ли у тебя дядя?
Easter is celebrated in the spring. On this holiday paint eggs, glue stickers on them, bake cakes.At Easter, the most important holiday in the church year, performed particularly solemn liturgy. It was formed in the early centuries of Christianity as baptismal. Most of the catechumens after the preparatory baptized post on this special day.
In the Church since ancient times there was a tradition of committing an Easter service at night or early in the morning.<span>During the Great Saturday after Easter service in the temples consecrated cakes, cheese Easter, eggs and everything prepared for the festive table for the breaking of Lent. Easter eggs Christians give each other.
Переводила подруга. У неё с английским всё отлично. Вроде правильно, но она пользовалась переводчиком, не полностью, но пользовалась.
1 - e
2 - d
3 - b
4 - a
5 - c
The Supreme Court is the final judge in all cases involving laws of Congress, and the highest law of all — the Constitution.