More young people are abusing drugs today than in any other time in history of England. Their parents often don't understand their problems and don't like their new friends. Not often children can quietly tell parents about their life and interests. The other problen is toxicomania. It is estimated that one of five young people in England have used solvents. It is the second most commonly used drug for this age group. These problems are becoming worse day after day.
There is a public free and a priva: mediane in the UK The NHS is funded through genera taxation. In the UK is necessa health insurance that provides treatment in case of illness rily The HCS in the UK is one of the best in:he world and they have the latest technology. The HCS in Ukraine is not so gocd as UKs. In Lkraine there is also a public free) and 3 pm at medicine. In theory, healthcar s available free to all citizens of Jkraine, however, in ora:tice, the free services only cover basic proisicn and patients often have to pay for extras such as specia ist equipment etc The positive side of the Ukrainian medical system is hat it not necessary tchawe expensive insurance. Ukraine medicine is sate. however, you will be requ red to pay for it. The ties,doctors and pharmacies have no money! You can tind trstklass Doctors and treatnent. but, you must be aware that you w need hard cash to have anything other than very, very basic are here is nct a lack of medic nes, etc. only a lack of money!
36) A
37) B
38) A
39) C
40) B
41) A
42) B
43) C
44) A
45) C
Это пока все)Что я смогла найти
If it’s very hot they will go to the beach
If there is rain they will stay at home
My mother will take me to Sochi if I get good marks
We will a new house if we have money.
Это 0 (нулевой) conditional.