<span><span>Computer firm formed in our lives. </span><span>With them we work, rest, play, learn. </span><span>With the development of new technologies and the increasing level of demand from consumers. </span><span>PC is already overshadowed by its "volume" and the price. </span><span>The future of laptops and tablets. </span><span>I would like to talk about laptops.
</span><span>Laptops - this is probably one of the most convenient, practical and compact computers, it is clear to any first grade! </span><span>Speaking of schools, the last year or two schools stopped buying a PC for computer classes because not only price, but also to how much space is required for the technique itself. </span><span>For example, in rural schools or schools with a lot of people prefer to buy laptops, because </span><span>at any time, you can minimize, remove, and carry no computer science, but, for example, mathematics or biology. </span><span>In offices, where desks pile of papers, documents, etc., also use the laptops can be a lot more ... to list where they are used, because as mentioned above, the laptop - this is the future.
</span><span>Manufacturers of computer technology is not sitting idly by. </span><span>Each month, come more and more powerful "beasts", which capture more and more ordinary users. </span><span>According to statistics, in 2011 with a PC "boarded" in the notebook for more than 60\% of the population of Europe. </span><span>Now, with breakdowns of old PCs, 75\% are buying laptops. </span><span>They are also popular among students - in fact it is a laptop to communicate.
</span><span>Of all the categories of laptops that existed in 2007, today we can count only two or three. </span><span>Almost disappeared bulky multimedia models, and netbooks were practically driven out, and ultrabukami subnotebooks. </span><span>In spite of this gaming laptops are still available on the market, and enjoyed good demand.
</span><span>MSI company presented one of its new gaming laptop. </span><span>MSI GT783.Eto just super-notebook for gamers! </span><span>but it is understood that this "monster" stuffed with all possible additions and is not cheap: not much, but a lot of 98,000 rubles! </span><span>Vryatli average Russian is able to fork out for such purchases. </span><span>Therefore, there are many other, cheaper, and sufficiently powerful laptop computers. </span><span>They let companies Lenovo, Hp, Samsung, Asus and more. </span><span>Each company has its pluses, minuses, as well as its price Range. </span><span>Currently, each manufacturer tries to produce low cost version of the popular models, so that each person can buy a laptop according to your taste, choice and purse</span></span>
<span>Я не люблю осень за ее плохую погоду и холодные ветра. Но однажды я попал осенью на природу, и понял, что это очень хорошее время года. Причем, особая красота, непохожая на весеннюю, когда все пробуждается. Мне нечасто удается побывать в лесу осенью, а в этом году одноклассник предложил провести каникулы у его родни в деревне. Вместе нам было веселее, да и помогать по хозяйству удобнее.</span>
<span>В один из дней мы пошли с друзьями в лес за грибами. В это время можно застать сыроежки, белые грибы, подосиновики. Вообще, грибники любят осень за богатые урожаи. Нас более или менее научили различать грибы и показали, как правильно их срезать, а потом мы вооружились палками и пошли. Грибов было полно! Я быстро набрал пакет, но также быстро и выяснилось, что все они несъедобны. А один съедобный оказался настолько помятым, что его не стали класть в общую корзину. Вот так я узнал, что грибы состоят только в корзину - там они не мнутся.</span>
I don't like one for a Pagano weather I holdn vtri. But one time I potrapyv voseny nature, I rozumu that price that's too Garni hour rock. Pricoa, principally beauty, dissimilar to vesnjanu, if all probujut. I need infrequently vdata obovate in Lisi voseny, and in Como rotsi odnoklasniki zaproponowal to spend kankali at Yogo RDN in SEL. Once we Bulo Veselka, the th doomgate on gospodarstwo Zracna.
In one days from mi psli C friends in Ls for mushrooms. At this hour you sastate Siroki, bili mushrooms, pdesigner. Sagal, mushroom Ljubljana on for Bagat Vraja. We blls Chi of mens nacili rossat mushrooms that showed Yak correctly their srsti, and then mi osbrone palizada I psli. Gribb was pawno! I Shvydko typing package, ale also Shvydko I s of yazuvalasya that everything stink nestin. And one stuni levisa nestlike POM Achim scho Yogo not have clusty in zagalo Kaushik. Axis so I dsnews scho mushrooms, skudutis only have Kaushik - there stink not motsa.
<span>I Hodel by Lisi I Dumas, that city mi nkoli not Vdovina C smells, not bacimo strike Farb on trees, not cum RSN sounds LSU. All price so harmony cross him.
<span>1. Ann </span>IS going to the <span>theatre this weekend.
2. Andy does </span> NOT <span>have enough money to buy a new smartphone.
3. It is</span> STILL<span> raining, so we can't go for our jog.
4. We don't </span>NEED to book <span>tickets in advance.
5. Alexandra </span>is DOING her chores <span>at the moment.
6. Emperor penguins </span>DO not live <span>anywhere else but Antarctica.
7. She </span>USUALLY plays squash.
Хай! Кян ай хэлп ю? йэс, кян ай хяв ту бургерс энд ту кукис, плиз? энисин элс? йэс кян ай хяв сам чипс, плиз? зятс тэн еоурс хеа ю а сэнкс.