<span>What will people be able to protect if they are environment-educated? </span> Что люди будут способны защитить если они будут хорошо осведомлены 9образованы) по охране окруж. среды?
would- выражает сомнение или в прошлом, а у нас настоящее время во 2 части предложения
should- следовало бы, по- моему не подходит по смыслу- предложение звучит коряво
Whose idea was it to celebrate Mother's Day?
How many people were there in the family?
What did the cildren do to make mother happy?
What did father do on that occasion? <span>Father decided to take a holiday from his office.</span>
Why didn't mother go fisshing?
Why didn"t the girls stay home?
На остальные вопросы ответов в этом тексте нет.
1. Has he breakfast in bed every morning?
He hasn't breakfast in bed every morning
2. Does water freeze at 0 degrees Celsius?
Water doesn't freeze at 0 degrees Celsius
3. Does James live in a big house in the country?
James doesn't live in a big house in the country
4. Do I often call my friend Jack?
I don't often call my friend Jack
5. Do they usually watch TV in the morning?
They don't usually watch TV in the morning
A cup of coffee i a kilo of oranges