The second drawback relates to the authors of the script
we can call the acquisition of shares in rhe primary securities market an investment,since the proceeds are used to create new enterprises ot to expand existing ones.
again a sweeping movement of his head thew back to the monitor.
Passionate about working on a new role, she immediately noticed that her husband changed, closed in on itself.
At sunrise, a powerful stream of wind bursts into the valley from the gorges, where the Holy river is born.
But suddenly there was a voice, it was more like a moan, but a muffled, as if from afar.
The parrot is picking flowers
Jill:Do you live in a new flat?
Ann:Yes,I do.
Jill:Have you got a room of your own?
Ann:No, I haven't .I share a room with my little sister.
Jill:How many rooms have you got?
Ann:We have got three rooms, a kitchen and a pantry.
There are 7 (seven) days in a week.
There 3 (three) months in winter.
There are 31 (thirty one) days in January.
There are 30 (thirty) days in June.
There are 28 (twenty eight) days in February.
There are 7 (seven) colors in the rainbow.
There are 100 (one hundred) copecks in a ruble.
1)I do ... subjects at school. ( Вместо точек вставляешь число уроковв школе)
2)I have a ... lessons every day(сколько уроков каждый день)
3)I spend ... hour(s) for homework(сколько часов тратишь на домашнее задание)
4) We have exams every ... ( Здесь нужно вставить Day/week/month,в завыисимости от того как часто у вас бывают экзамены, контрольные и тому подобное, каждый день, неделю, месяц)
5)We are engaged sport а ... times at week (сколько уроков физкультуры в неделю)
6)1. Yes,we do 2.No, we don't ( выбирай первое если пользуетесь компьютером в школе, второе если не пользуетесь)