1 колонка ( черты характера, помогающие людям быть успешными)
adventurious (предприимчивый), ambitious (честолюбивый), calm (спокойный), careful, brave, kind, religious, creative,imaginative, clever, handsome, intelligent, serious, talented, practical, attentive, patient (терпеливый), independent, polite, curious (любознательный), tolerant.
вторая колонка, черты характера препятствующие успеху
funny, cruel, cool, jealous (ревнивый), silly, shy, emotional, talkative
В начале приводишь к общему знаменателю получается 6/24+4/24 получаешь 10/24 а далее делишь на 10 получается десятки сокращаешь и получаешь ответ 1/24
There lives a boy not far from my house. He is my classmate .
Recently he got into an accident and now he cannot go to school.
I want to help him. My friends and I will go to his place and help him to learn Maths , Russian, English and other subjects.
Нарисуй мальчика , книги, школу или вырежь и наклей.В общем ДЕРЗАЙ, УДАЧИ!!!!
2 Vitalik wasn't at school on the third of October.
3 Ann wasn't at school on the fifth of October.
4 Rita and Zina weren't at school on the eighth of October.
5 Sergey wasn't at school on the twelfth of October.
6 Alex and Bella weren't at school on the fifteenth of October.
7 Marina wasn't at school on the thirtieth of October.