Исчисляемые : machine машина idea идея family семья tree дерево book книга house дом friend друг student студент pen ручка picture картина
Неисчисляемые : time время water вода music музыка snows снег word слово coffee кофе money деньги knowledge знания sea море hour час silver серебро meat мясо happiness счастье information информация speed скорость news новость milk молоко paper бумага clothès одежда air воздух
4.2 boxes, sheep places libraries photos mice ladies glasses bushes dresses countries buses parties wives days knives knowledges months pens heroes geese companies lifes deer tomatoes cities men plays news children fruit shelves leaves feet fish women money information
1) take off
2) give back
3)take back
4) give up
5) take off
6) take away
7) make up
8) make off
9) give away
10) give up
<span>Rosa is the girl who is wearing the black T-shirt.
Is that the cinema where you saw the new Brad Pitt film?
This is the magazine which I read every week.
My MP3 player is the object which I can't live without.
Murmansk is the city where my best friend lives.
That's the model whom I saw last week at the fashion show.</span>
Were visitors waiting patiently in the reception room? (общий)
The visitors were waiting patiently in the reception room or in the cabinet? (альтернативный)
Who were waiting patiently in the reception room? (специальный)
The visitors were waiting patiently in the reception room, weren't they? (разделительный)
Was expedition heading to the North Pole? (общий)
The expedition was heading to the North Pole or to the America? (альтернативный)
What was heading to the North Pole? (специальный)
The expedition was heading to the North Pole, wasn't it? (разделительный)
Were children making a sandcastel on the bich? (общий)
The children were making a sandcastel on the bich or in the sandbox? (альтернативный)
Who were making a sandcastel on the bich? (специальный)
The children were making a sandcastel on the bich, weren't they? (разделительный)
Were sportmen warming up for half an hour? (общий)
The sportmen were warming up for half an hour or an hour? (альтернативный)
Who were warming up for half an hour? (специальный)
The sportmen were warming up for half an hour, weren't they? (разделительный)
Was teacher leading a small group? (общий)
The teacher was leading a small group or a biggest? (альтернативный)
Who was leading a small group? (специальный)
The teacher was leading a small group, wasn't he? (разделительный)
А вот ноготки на ручках нужно стричь))
October 31, all over the world, people wear scary and unusual outfits, light pumpkin lanterns and start celebrating a great and terrible Halloween! Today we are discussing the most interesting facts related to this sinister holiday.