1. had been waiting
2.had already eaten
3. had been playing
4. had known
5. had been raining
6. had been driving
7. had been applying
8. had finished
9. had finished
10.had you met
11.had been running
12.had been having
13. had played
14. had used
15. had robbed
1990/5000 Budushcheye vsegda predstavlyayesh' sebe prekrasnym. A budushcheye goroda, v kotorom ty rodilsya i vyros, - tem boleye.
My zhivem v gorode s razvitoy promyshlennost'yu. Zdes' zhivut gornyaki i predstaviteli drugikh zamechatel'nykh professiy.
posledniye gody nash gorod sil'no izmenilsya, no, k sozhaleniyu, ne v
luchshuyu storonu. V nem stalo men'she svobodnogo prostranstva. Sotni
kioskov, magaziny i magazinchikov, kafe i restoranov, skladskikh
pomeshcheniy i masterskikh vytesnili tak radovavshuyu glaz prirodu.
Parki i allei goroda, sluzhivshiye prezhde vsego otdykha i progulok s
det'mi i babushek-dedushek s vnukami, prevratilis' v torgovyye ryady. A
mne khotelos' by, chtoby nash gorod v budushchem ne teryal zelenoy zony,
chtoby ona rasshiryalas', ochishchaya vozdukh, propitannyy ugol'noy
pyl'yu i dymom zavodov.
Khochetsya nadeyat'sya, chto uchenyye
vskore pridumayut, kak izbavit'sya ot terrikonov, kotoryye zanimayut
ogromnyye ploshchadi i narushayut garmoniyu okruzhayushchey sredy.
Osvobodivsheyesya prostranstvo mozhno bylo by ispol'zovat' dlya
stroitel'stva parkov i novykh zhilykh kvartalov. Staryye obvetshalyye
domiki v budushchem ustupyat mesto krasivym mnogoetazhnym zdaniyam s
bol'shimi oknami, cherez kotoryye budet lit'sya solnechnyy svet. A Mnogo
avtostoyanki i garazhi spryachutsya v podzemnyye pomeshcheniya.
detskikh sadakh i shkolakh budut rabotat' gruppy i klassy po 10-12
chelovek. Togda vospitateli i uchitelya mogut bol'she vnimaniya i tepla
udelyat' kazhdomu rebenku, i deti s udovol'stviyem budut poseshchat' eti
zavedeniya. I rebyata budut khodit' tuda kak na vstrechu s dobrymi
interesnymi druz'yami, ot kotorykh vsegda uznayesh' tak mnogo novogo. I
togda oni budut stremit'sya vyrasti dostoynymi lyud'mi i stat' primerom
dlya mladshikh.
Po shirokim ulitsam nashego goroda budut yezdit' avtomobili, rabotayushchiye na ekologicheski chistom toplive.
Blagopoluchiye vsego goroda obespechit schast'ye vsekh lyudey, kotoryye budut dovol'ny zhizn'yu, svoyey rabotoy i sem'yey.
predstavlyayu sebe rodnoy gorod svetlym, solnechnym, zelenym, takim, v
kotorom priyatno zhit' i v etom chuvstvuyesh' sebya zashchishchennym i
schastlivym. <span>The future is always beautiful. <span>And the future of the city in which you were born and grew up, all the more.
</span>We live in a city with a developed industry. <span>There are miners and representatives of other wonderful professions.
</span>In recent years, our city has changed a lot, but, unfortunately, not for the better. It has less free space. Hundreds
of kiosks, shops and shops, cafes and restaurants, warehouses and
workshops pushed out the nature so pleased with the eye. Parks
and alleys of the city, which served primarily recreation and walks
with children and grandparents with their grandchildren, have turned
into trading rows. <span>And I would like our city in the future not to lose the green zone, so
that it expands, cleans the air, soaked in coal dust and smoke from
scientists will soon come up with how to get rid of waste heaps that
occupy huge areas and disturb the harmony of the environment. The liberated space could be used to build parks and new residential quarters. Old
dilapidated houses in the future will give way to beautiful
multi-storey buildings with large windows through which sunlight will
pour. <span>A lot of parking lots and garages will hide in underground rooms.
</span>Groups and classes of 10-12 people will work in kindergartens and schools. Then,
teachers and teachers can pay more attention and warmth to each child,
and children will be happy to visit these institutions. And the guys will go there as a meeting with good and interesting friends, from which you always learn so much new things. <span>And then they will strive to grow up worthy people and become an example for the younger ones.
</span><span>On the wide streets of our city will drive cars that run on clean fuel.
</span><span>The well-being of the whole city will ensure the happiness of all people who will be satisfied with life, work and family.
</span><span>I imagine a native city bright, sunny, green, one in which it is pleasant to live and in this you feel protected and happy.</span></span>
Ты молодец, что составила таким образом. Подойдет, даже очень. Так как я не знаю эту блогершу, я не могу ничего добавить))