<span>Dan will help you to repair the computer if you ask him.
We will play tennis tomorrow if the weather is good.
I will go to the cinema with you if I do my homework.
If I see Mary, I will give her your message.
If it doesn't rain, we will go roller-skating in the park.
If I go to London, I will visit Madame Tussaud's museum for sure.
If Ben misses the 8 o'clock commuter train, he will be late for work.
1) We went to Spain by plane.
2) She ran quickly to work.
3) Every afternoon my dog peacefully sleeps in the garden.
4) They were talking in the kitchen quietly.
5) They crossed the street carefully.
If you think about how many hours you spend with colleagues per week, it is easy to see why you may sometimes find yourself smack dab in the middle of an argument. As much as we would like to think arguments can just simply be avoided, the truth is that at times, we just need to have it out. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a right and wrong way to go about having that argument because there is.
If you look it up, the term “argue” means such things as to give reason to something, give evidence of, and to consider the pros and cons. It also means to try to prove or persuade. Unlike popular opinion, it doesn’t mean to banter insults back and forth until someone finally gives up. There is a right way to have an argument with a colleague, and it is one that will have you both come out better from it.
I think the best way to fight discrimination is to keep stereotypes away from our thoughts and treat people with equal respect no matter how different they are. If you are being mistreated it is better to report this to your parents or police. Laws against of discrimination is also a good way to put it to the end.
1. Летний сад является одним из старейших и самых известных парков Санкт-Петербурга. Многие посетители приходят в этот парк на берегу Невы, чтобы увидеть его мраморные статуи и памятник И. А. Крылову, который является первым памятником поэту в России. По всем четырём сторонам памятника расположены животные из его басен. Люди говорят, что Летний сад является одним из самые красивых мест Санкт-Петербурга.
2. Деревянный домик Петра I был первым зданием в Санкт-Петербурге. Строители закончили его в три дня. Дом появился в том месте, где он сейчас стоит в конце мая 1703 года. Люди говорят, что царь отмечал в нём свой день рождения 30 мая. Сейчас это музей. В нём две небольшие комнаты.Одна из них - столовая со старым столом и стулом.