Description of zebra.
It's easy to imagine a zebra.
It's a black, white-striped horse. Its color is very similar to a sea vest. In height, it grows to 1.3 meters, the length of the trunk is up to 2.5 meters, and this horse weighs 350 kilograms. Interestingly, in Africa there are no two identical zebras. The color of each is unique, like fingerprints. These animals live only in Africa. They scattered throughout the continent. They can be found in the mountains, the savanna and the desert. There are very few remaining zebras, so they are listed in the Red Book. The zebras live in herds of 6-10 individuals. In each group there is only one male, all the rest - females with foals. Pole horses have no permanent residence. In search of new pastures and water they constantly move from place to place. At the head of the herd - the most adult female, followed by other zebras, the procession closes the male, which protects the herd from dangers. These animals feed on grass, bushes, leaves of the lower branches of trees. Zebras like to lie in the dust. So they bathe and get rid of parasites. Striped horses are friends with a small bird called a bovine woodpecker. She sits on a zebra and beak, chooses the skins of harmful insects. The zebra is safely grazing in the company of other animals - buffaloes, antelopes, gazelles, giraffes and even ostriches. In the wild, the striped horse survives to 30 years, in captivity - to 45 years. At the age of two years the young female can already lead offspring. Zebra are usually mated during the rainy season. Pregnancy of the female lasts a year, usually one cub is born, very rarely - two. Within half an hour the newborn baby stands on the legs, and in just an hour can run after the mother. The colt feeds on the milk of the mother for up to a year, although already at the age of two months it's quietly plaiting the grass. These animals are found in African savannahs and even mountains. Who attacks the zebra? Her main enemy is the African lion. Also on the zebra attack other predators of Africa - cheetahs, leopards, tigers, at the watering place it is threatened by an alligator, kids often die from hyenas. The nature, to protect the zebra, awarded her excellent eyesight and hearing. In addition, the zebra is very timid and cautious. When a herd grazes or rests at a watering place, one or two striped horses are on duty, carefully examining and listening. At the slightest alarm they give a signal and the whole herd runs away. The zebra jumps at a speed of 65 km / h, it winds no worse than a hare, sharply changing direction and not letting the predator grab itself. While protecting foals, adult zebras stand on their hind legs, biting and kicking.
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C) Which place is a big city now?
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