1. legal problems
2. insurance
3. embroiled
4. solve
5. wills
6. payment
7. consequences
8. court
<span>I adore the Open Kids group that else I could not write I like liking and songs especially the song flakes with milk</span>
1) pay 2) earn
1) cost 2) afford
1) buy 2) sell
1) spend 2) save
Достаточно хорошодовольно хорошийдовольно плохоплохо домав дурную славувсе холодныеПрочитать текст и дать НАНКрасной площади в центре Москвы 695 мнеявляется одним из крупнейших и МОназвание торгили место на рынке, затем (послебольшого пожара в 1493 пописатьчтобы защитить городчтобы защитить столицузащищать странудрузья и врагистроители и архитекторыгоды и векадругие местадругие людидругие страныдля изменения ивырастет ипревратить в большой капитал
1) What have you been doing today? I've been playing tennis.
2) How long have you been studying English?
3) How long has the journey been taking?
4) I suppose she will have been in London next week.
5) John had been phoning your office for you.
6) Have there been a lot of people at the meeting?
7) What time has the race been starting?
8) He had never been agree to your idea.
9) You have never been seeing you money again.
10) What's the matter? Have I been phoning the doctor?
11) Don't worry. I have been paying for the damage to your car.
12) Will have you been at home tomorrow?
13) The company hasn't been giving you an extra day's holiday.
14) Don't touch that! You have been hurting yourself!