MY EVERYDAY MENU (мое меню на каждый день)
Breakfast ( завтрак)
1. tea/juice
2. porridge
Lunch (обед)
1. soup
2. juice/tea
3. salad
Supper или dinner (ужин)
1. mashed potatoes
2. juice
3. garnish
We like skating / we don't like skating.
My sister works at the hospital / My sister doesn't work at the hospital.
My friend is a student / My friend isn't a student
1)Opened; finished; started; helped.
2)stayed; enjoyed.
<span>1People in Ancient Greece could be enslaved for different reasons
2Slaves usually practiced another religion than their owners.
c) Not stated
3Ancient Greek philosophers were strongly against slavery.
b) F
4Historians are not sure how old the institution of slavery is.
а)T </span>