<span><em>1.Getting together with people-</em></span><u><em>group,</em></u>
<em> 2.A place where you learn a lot of new things</em><u><em>-school,</em></u>
<em> 3.Your job at the moment-</em><u><em>student,</em></u>
<em> 4The people whom you love best of all-</em><u><em>parents.</em></u>
1. People go to the dentist when they have toothache.
2. People drink warm milk with honey when they have a cough.
3. People call doctor when they caught a cold.
4. People go to bed early and rest when they are tired.
5. People take some aspirin when they have a headache.
6. People don't drink coffee or tea when they don't want to.
1)yes i'm eat apples
2)yes i'm eat carrot and cabage
3)Yes i run and play in the park
4)i'm clean teeth morning and night
5)Yes i slip well