Воспользуйся переводчиком ,,транслейте . ру .,, мне он очень помогает ,всегда ставят хорошие оценки
Tim hasnt got many toys
He cant read very well
We are not pupils
Chuckles doesnt climbing now
she doesnt play tennis every day
Has tim got many toys?
Can he write very well
Are we pupils
Is chuckles climbing now
Does she play tennis very well
Can they play chess very well
Does children like fairy tales
Is he 10
Dis Pete ski in the park two days ago
Will his friensds visit Moscow next Winter
На прошлой неделя я с моей бабушкой была в зоопарке.мы шли и смотрели на животных.моя бабушка любит птиц,поэтому мы остановились чтобы посмотреть на попугаев.внезапно,кто-то закричал (Остановись,вор!).Мы были очень удивлены.мы обернулись но там никого не было кроме работника зоопарка!(Не беспокойтесь!) -
он смеялся (это просто Болтунья,попугай.Она постоянно так делает!)Это было очень смешно!
1) I have not yet decided on my future profession, but I think it will be connected with something creative.
2. In life, I consider myself a good friend, because for me honor is above all, I will never give it - it is not in my principles. but at the same time I am sometimes too blunt and rude, which scares people away from me.
3. I do not depend on someone else's opinion, I express everything I think, but of course there are also disadvantages: I am lazy and sometimes very cowardly, but I hope that I can change these shortcomings
4. I really like to do something creative. But, I think that this will eventually change to other priorities.
5. I value persistence, kindness, honesty in people, and I think that these qualities are inherent in me. I would like to be more responsible