sis-ter=sister (сестра)
я считаю, что в слоге ro<u>f </u>- описка, надо ro<u>t</u>
<span>Her boss looked up as she came in. «You have been late every morning this week» he </span>growled.
Ее начальник поднял голову, когда она вошла. «Вы опаздываете каждое утро на этой неделе» прорычал он.
1. Can you switch off the light?
2. Please, put on book on the table.
3. I need pick up my bag from floor.
<span>4. I don't like wake up early morning.</span>
The Edinburgh military tatoo is a show that takes place five or six nights a week in August and September
The Royal Mile Is a line of streets that connects the Castle and Holyrood Palace
The Cannongate Is the oldest part of Edinburgh
Princes Street is connected with the name of Walter Scott
Holyrood House is a royal palace
Glasgow is an industrial centre of Scotland
The Castle <span>is the most picturesque part of the royal mile</span>
The Edinburgh festival is a festival of performances that started in 1947