Я считаю что да. Так как если ты допустим директор какой нибудь фирмы и компании то у тебя как не как будет настойчивый , возможно жесткий ,строгий и требовательный характер. Без этих качеств ты не сможешь быть директором. А если ты допустим работаешь на кого- то ,то обычно характер мягкий и податливый.
1 part time 2 long hours 3 pocket money 4 makes lots of money 5 gets paid 6 full-time
He<span> poet said: “imitation is not </span>the<span> shameful theft, </span>the<span> sign of your own exiquity, but </span>the<span> noble hope for your own strength, </span>the<span> hope to open </span>the<span> new worlds, following </span>the<span> traces of a genius, or even </span>the<span> feeling which is more sublime in its humility: </span>the<span> wish to study </span>the<span>example and give it a second life”.
<span>You should not steal goods.
</span><span>You should wait for their turn at the cash register.
You should not shout loudly in the store.
You should not spoil the goods.
You should not shout in public transport.
</span><span>You should sit quietly.
You should not get up while driving?
</span><span>You should pay the fare.
You should not shout at a party.
</span><span>You should ask about something quietly.
</span><span><span>You should</span> not ignore the host.
</span><span>You should behave at a party.</span>