Сочинение мой любимый вид спорта - плаванье. <span>
hello! I want to tell you some information about me. Last time , I am fond of sport and i want to tell you about my favourite kind of sport. I am fond of swiimming. I go in for swimming and i like it so much. i attend the swimming pool, i train in the swimming pool twice a week. I like my trains. i have many friends there and we like to spend time together and speak about how sport influents in our health and life. Also i have my favourite swimmer. His name is Michael Phelps. I want to be like him.
</span> Сочинение мой любимый вид спорта - велоспорт.
hello! I want to tell you some information about me. Last time , I am fond of sport and i want to tell you about my favourite kind of sport. I am fond of cycling. I go in for cycling and i like it so much. i attend the cycling Club, i train in the cycling Club twice a week. I like my trains. i have many friends there and we like to spend time together and speak about how sport influents in our health and life.
Alexander Obando Reyes and his friend started to run.
Can someone help me please on how to run this.
Twenty-five water technicians had been trained to run them.
The Commonwealth Secretariat helped to run a regional SADC workshop on judicial integrity.
Elsewhere, communist regimes seemed almost to run from power.
1) If they hadn’t walked 40km, they would not be exhausted now.
2) What would have become of us, if I had come to you then!
3) He would have been scrupulous - if he had been able!
4) What is the answer if you add 5 to 75?
Has your teacher been to Poland?