The chair is next to the desk.
The brown guitar is near the wall
1) Настоящее простое время.
2) Обозначает обычное повседневное действие или просто регулярно повторяющееся
Я хожу в школу каждый день - I go to school every day.
Мы обычно читаем книги по вечерам. - We usually read books in the evenings.
3) Образуется при помощи смыслового глагола в первой форме: sleep, speak, dance
4) Если подлежащее выражено 3-им лицом ед. числа, то к смысловому глаголу добавляем окончание s или es - goes, sleeps, dances
5) при вопросе и отрицании используем вспомогательный глагол do или does (для 3-его лицом ед. числа)
Do we usually read books in the evenings?
Does she go to school every day?
-Ето очень интересно! Может я присоединюсь к вам?
-К сожалению, Джим. Я обещал Катя и Лена мне бы сделать
стенгазету о наших школьных клубов.
-Конечно, Джим. Затем вы можете выбрать клуб.
<span>-Дима, ты бы хотел играть в футбол после занятий сегодня?</span>
1. reading
2. playing
3. riding
4. swimming
5. sitting
6. taking
7. standing
8. making
10. running
Ome consider that a rabbit and hare are a the same young of wild animal. Only a hare lives in-field, and a rabbit is a home animal.
It not so. Although they near relation, that is all - nevertheless different types of animals.
Rabbit are not only home but also wild. For the house they choose dumetums, slopes of ravines and hills.
For a wild rabbit ears are shorter, than for a hare, and back paws not such long. Strong forepaws of rabbit with sharp claws for digging of earth.
Unlike hare, rabbit dig deep burrows - real underground labyrinths. Motions stretch far in different directions, at times intersecting inter se. Sometimes a rabbit long rambles under earth, before will go out outside.
Hare prefer to live in loneliness, and rabbit love companies. And there always is a "fugleman" - strong and experience rabbit in her.
In the day-time rabbit sleep in the underground houses, and at nights go out to pinch a grass, gnaw counterfoils or drop in on in a vegetable garden or garden.
They propagate quickly. Numerous crawl