1He wishes to speak to you. 2She helps her father. 3He watches too much TV. 4She worries too much. 5She always carries an umbrella/
▫The name of my teacher - зе нейм оф май тича (имя моего учителя).
▫The copubooks of the students - зе копибукс оф зе стьюденс (тетради учеников). Copybooks пишется через у.
▫The dog of Boris - зе дог оф Борис (собака Бориса).
▫The room of Ann and Jane - зе рум оф Эн энд Джейн (комната Анны и Джейн).
▫The house of my friends - зе Хаус оф май френдс (дом моих друзей).
▫The name of my mother - зе нейм оф май мазе (имя моей мамы).
▫The hobby of Charles - зе хобби оф чарлс (хобби Чарлса).
1.They are looking at family photos now
2.She is working on her computer at the moment
3.They are having lunch right now
4.He is reading a book at the moment
5.They are playing golf now.
6.She is talking on the phone now .
Many- существительные, которые можно посчитать БЕЗ помощи чего -то. Например: many eggs. Eggs- то существительное, которое можно посчитать без чего-либо.
Much- существительные, которые НЕЛЬЗЯ посчитать без помощи чего-то. Например: much tea. Мы не можем сказать: мне чая. Мы можем сказать: мне чашку чая, мне стакан чая.
1. I have already read this book. 2. He has called and hung up. 3. I have just bumped into Jim in the library. 4. I broke my bicycle yesterday. 5. You can't ride my bike. I've broken it. 6. Who has eaten my cake? 7. When I was in Miami I often went to the beach. 8. You've been kind of weird lately. 9. The teacher explained this rule yesterday. 10. Have you ever been to China? 11. Who wrote the Harry Potter books? 12. Alex sold his bicycle to his neighbour last week. 13. I haven't told her about it yet. 14. Anthony moved to this town in 2013. 15. Bob has never seen the sea.