<span>She has removed a coat and has remained in a grey English suit. On a neck it had the white kerchief reminded to a jabot of the amazon. At light of a lamp its silky chestnut hair cast amber. Very direct shoulders were slightly curved forward, hands narrow, with long fingers seem dryish. Greater eyes gave to the thin and pale person expression of passion and force. She was very good. -
Она сняла пальто и осталась в сером английском костюме. На шее у нее была белая косынка, напоминавшая жабо амазонки. При свете лампы ее шелковистые каштановые волосы отливали янтарем. Очень прямые плечи слегка выгибались вперед, руки узкие, с длинными пальцами казались суховатыми. Большие глаза придавали тонкому и бледному лицу выражение страстности и силы. Она была очень хороша.
Патриция Хольман, Ремарк Э. М., "три товарища"
.........my friend is brave............
<span>1. <span>Tomorrow she will finish the job.
</span>2. <span>This work will be completed tomorrow
</span>3. <span>She told us the truth
</span>4. <span>We were told the truth
</span>5. <span>Sometimes he forgets to buy bread
</span>6. <span>Why is this often forgotten?
</span>7. <span>He will return the book in time
</span>8. <span>The book will be returned in time
</span>9. <span>These houses were built two years ago
</span>10. <span>Mom does not allow them to play outside
</span>11. <span>They are not allowed to play outside
</span>12. <span>When will the letters be sent?
</span>13. <span>They will meet us at the train station
</span>14. <span>Where will we be met?</span></span>
J:Hi, ask Fiona to come to the telephone
A:Wait for a minute. i'll call her
J: Hi Fiona. I'm Jack
F: oh, Hi, Jack. How are you?
J: Fine thanks, I am calling to say that I might be half an hour late today
F:ok no problem. Thanks for calling . Bye
J: Byu