Later - late-later-the latest - поздний, cheaper- cheap- cheaper-the cheapest - дешевый, large - larger - the largest - огромный, hot- hotter-the hottest - горячий, жаркий, <span>heavy-heavier-the heaviest - тяжелый, thin- thinner-the thinnest - тонкий, </span><span>cold-colder-the coldest - .холодный, weak- weaker-the weakest - слабый, </span><span>longer - long-longer-the longest - длинный, дольше, lower - low- lower- the lowest - нижний, hard - harder the hardest - твердый, </span>
1. curly. 2. moustache. 3. necks4. height. 5. lips. 6. dark. 7. late
52. mark is known to have been a terrible gossip
53. by the time Ruth had read the book, she knew what the outcome was
54. I think you would benefit from a change
55. I need to have my skirt let out
56. nobody there knew who miss Parker was
<span>singing читается как</span> сингич
Spanish, French, German
6 holidays
3 holidays in the middle of terms, Christmas, Easter and summer holidays
Yes, I do
No, I wouldn't