At eight o'clock. И скорее всего первое слово должно быть написано с апострофом: Jack's
1 older
2 longest
3 more beautiful
4 the most beautiful
5 tastier
6 better
7 worse
8 worst
9 most interesting
10 fatter
11 lazier
12 best
13 most accurate
14 biggest
1 hot
2 hotter
3 hottest
4 funny
5 funnier
6 funniest
7 good
8 best
9 better
10 bad
11 worst
12 most interesting
13 cold
14 colder
1an 2a 3a4an 5a 6a 7a 8a 9a 10a 11an 12a 13a 14a 15a 16 a 17a
apples turkeys pears hamburgers onions eggs fishes ice creams
A. 1) Have you ever been to a concert? 2) What is your favorite label?
B. 1) How often do you go shopping? 2) What is the last film you watched?
C. 1) In which city do you want to move? 2) Do you have any friends in the countryside?