1 тут слишком большая очередь чтобы проверить мой номер:
Встаньте в очередь
2 мой багаж очень тяжёлый тяжёлый
Надо помочь его пронести
3 я не вижу мой номер на стенде :
Надо подсказать номер
4 надо ли показывать паспорт?:
Конечно(ну или как то так)
5(не могу перевести, плохо видно)
Что то вроде :у вас моя карточка.....
6. Где нужно показать билет ?:(Вообще детей там не принимают , поэтому первое что нужно сделать так это попросить его привести взрослого) вроде там где как раз очередь, встать в неё,
7 что нужно показать при проверке ? Вроде багаж, (если спросят , то что в карманах)
bought some beautiful silk material...... to make a shirt. (8 букв, первая m)
2. Celebrities
...... often set the trends for young people. (11 букв)
3. More and
more businesswomen are wearing a suit....... to work. (4 буквы)
school uniform..... was very expensive . ( 7 букв)
5. Are you
dressed ...... yet? It's time to go out . (7 букв)
<span>6.The sari ....... is a traditional Indian garment for
women. (4 </span>буквы)
have been fashionable...... for many years. (11 букв)
Koala is the lovely Australian small animal reminding a teddy bear. Many
even call it "Mishka Koala", but this name is incorrect as the koala
has no anything the general with bears. The koala is a lazy small
animal, he sleeps about 20 hours in day. The koala eats many kinds of
eucalyptus leaves which are inedible for the majority of other
animals.The word "Koala" came from the dictionary of natives, it means
doesn't drink". It is surprising, but the koala actually receives
moisture from eucalyptus leaves and therefore doesn't need drink.
Otherwise, for sluggish koalas it would be too difficult if it isn't
impossible to reach from the wood to a source of fresh water.It is
difficult to believe that 100 years ago a koala were on the verge of
disappearance. People almost completely exterminated these lovely
animals for the sake of valuable fur. Now the koala is under reliable
protection, and year by year than them becomes more increasing. <span>Koala
not so ordinary animal as a kangaroo, and them it isn't so often
possible to see in wild a look. Nevertheless there are many places where
koalas are found much, for example Otway National Park in staff
Victoria, or Kangaroo Island in South Australia</span>
1 группа - Countable (исчисляемые) - an apple, a banana, a pineapple, a tomato, a potato, a carrot, a pepper, a cucumber, a cabbage, a sausage, a sandwich, an egg, a pancake, a cake, a toast.
2 группа - Uncountable ( неисчисляемые) - water, milk, cheese, juice, tea, coffee, sugar, chocolate, ice cream, fish, meat, oil, bread, jam.
С 1 группой употребляется всегда many. Например: many carrots, many cucumbers, many sandwiches ( слово нужно поставить во множественное число ( было "a cake", стало " many cakes")
С 2 группой всегда употребляется much. Например: much jam, much water, much cheese, much tea.