<span>1. What kind of shops do you like going to? I like going to clothes shops and jeweller's shops.
2. What shops do you dislike? I dislike grocery shops.
3. What things do you enjoy buying? I enjoy buying dresses and golden rings.
4. How often do you like go shopping? I like go shopping every Saturday.
5. Who do you usually go shopping with? I </span><span><span>usually go shopping with</span>
my friends, sometimes with my mum.
6. Do you like window shopping? </span>No I don't. I don't like window shopping
Составь предложения. 1) hamster,My,can,hide._____2)can,and,jump,Budgies._____3)can't,tortoise,A,jump._____4)mum,can't,Her,a tree
kleine1979 [2]
My hamster can hide
Budgies can jump
A tortoise cant jump
Her mum cant climb a tree
can you dance?
Can his pet swim?
немного сомневаюсь на счет 2
Kungur cave It is located in the bowels of the icy Ural mountains, a hundred kilometers from Perm. Many call it the Kingdom of the Snow Queen. In winter, the temperature in it drops below thirty degrees. Such a climate caused the appearance of beautiful ice crystals adorning the cave. Marble Cave The age of this cave located in the Crimea is about two million years. Entrance to the Marble Cave on the lower plateau of the unknown Mount Chatyr-Dag. The name of the cave was due to the rocks of marble limestone found here. The temperature in it does not rise above eight degrees, even in summer. Among the unusual outgrowths of the cave, the "Kiss" is the most extraordinary. This sculpture supposedly brings good luck in love and strengthens family unions.
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Мой любимый герой Шрек!Я очень люблю смотреть мультик с участием Шрека!Шрек мне очень нравится-у него много друзей,он добрый,справедливый,где-то смешной и милый,в целом очень хороший герой!Когда я в первый раз увидела его на картинке,мне стало очень интересно посмотреть этот мультик!Узнать про него побольше,а когда посмотрела то поняла,что Шрек настоящий друг!Он всегда приходит на помощь и выручает своих друзей,помогает им во всём и если надо то советует...В целом мультик про Шрека очень хороший!Всем кто его ещё не смотрел,очень советую посмотреть не пожалеете!