1. Your classmates also must learn new words.
2. John almost fell off the bike.
3. Her boyfriend will probably buy her some flowers.
Если стихи весёлые, то я читаю их детям.
If the verses are funny, then I read them to the children.
Если у меня есть время, я смотрю сериалы.
If I have time, I watch TV shows.
Если идёт дождь, я использую зонт.
If it rains, I use an umbrella.
Если апельсин оранжевый, значит он вкусный.
If the orange is orange, then it's tasty.
Если потерялся - спроси дорогу.
If lost - ask the way.
Если я съем много на ночь, я плохо сплю.
If I eat a lot at night, I do not sleep well.
Если работать усердно - можно многого достичь.
If you work hard, you can achieve a lot.
Если он ест много сладкого, у него появляется аллергия.
If he eats a lot of sweet, he has an allergy.
Я хожу на роботу даже если болею.
I go to the robot even if I'm sick.
Если нарушать правила, можно получить штраф.
If you break the rules, you can get a fine.
1. He can't have been late. He is always so punctual. 2. He can't have read this book so fast. It's too difficult for him. 3. She can't have forgotten about it. I reminded her about it yesterday. 4. Can you have forgotten that I've returned you the book? 5. Can anyone have thought this team to become the winner? 6. Can they have lost the game? 7. He couldn't have said that. 8. Could it have been so cold? 9. He can't be at home now. 10. Can he know Chinese so well? 11. Can he have refused to go there? 12. He can't have lost his documents. 13. They can't have left without saying good-bye to us.