1) There is a lot of litter - мусор - неисчисляемое существительное, употребляем только в ед. числе
2) in the street - со словом "улица" употребляем предлог in
3) bins - возьми во мн. числе
4) The Volga - употребляется с артиклем
5) into water - не нужен артикль, но возьми предлог into, будет точнее передан смысл, что мусор бросают в воду
6) in Volgograd - название города без артикля.
<u><em>Хорошая работа.</em></u>
<span>1. Things are easier to find in the clean room
</span><span>2. Yes, I can easily find some things in my room
</span><span>3. Yes, my parents think that I am lazy person
</span><span>4. I hate washing the dishes and wipe the dust
</span><span>5. Can I wash stuff and take out the trash
</span><span>6. I share chores with her sister. Usually a sister does all the work.
</span><span>7. Most of the work at home does my mom.</span>
Ответ: My city is already the capital culture. Saint-Petersburg is always called the capital culture of Russia, because it is the only town with so many historical buildings, amazing galleries, museums, theatres, cathedrals and churches in Russia. I think we don't need any changes to win this award or whatever it is.
As the old saying goes man cannot live by bread alone. Any human being needs nourishment for his soul as well. One of the places where one can get spiritual food is a museum. Museums are an essential part of any culture and society.
Last year I went to see a friend who lives in Moscow. I did an awful lot of sightseeing. I enjoyed my stay there immensely. But what 1 found absolutely unforgettable was my visit to the Tretyakov Gallery.
During the conducted tour I learned much about the museum in generaU about the life of Pavel Tretyakov, the founder of the gallery and about thi history of Russian art from the 11th century to the present days. The exposition of the museum includes a rich collection of Russian icons among which is the world-famous The Trinity painted by Andrey Rublev in 15th century. 1 marvelled at the finest works of such 18lh-century celebreties as Boroviko-vsky, Levitsky, Rokotov and Shchedrin.
Some of the halls, which deal with brilliant paintings by Brullov, Tro«l pinin, Ivanov, Venetsianov, stand out in my memory very vividly. The gallery has got the best collection of Peredvizhniki, such as Kramskoy, Perov, Ghe and others. There you can see historical paintings, portraits, landscapes, etc.
But what is more important, I received an emotional experience. Needless to say, that like any other museum, it should be taken a little at a time. The Tretyakov gallery enjoys a truly universal popularity. I wish I could visit it over and over again.
The giraffes <span>are standing next to the trees.
Жирафы стоят рядом с деревьями.
The hippos <span>are swimming in the river.
</span>Бегемоты плавают в реке.
The whale </span><span>is singing in the sea.
</span>Кит поет в море.
The lions </span><span>are sleeping under the tree.
</span>Львы спят под деревом.