Про рыбок в водоеме или в аквариуме?
Mary was laughing loudly because her friend told her a funny story.
If you laugh a lot every day it will prolong your life.
People who smile a lot are considered to be the happiest people.
She is smiling now looking at the very blue and clear sky.
Don't cry! There is nothing very serious to worry about.
Many little children cry with no reason at all.
Every day many people count their money.
How often do you count your money?
Friends were talking about a serious issue.
Stop talking! You are disturbing me!
We walk in the garden every day because it is good for our health.
Young people must walk every day at least for 20 minutes.
It smells so nice so I'll recommend this to all of my friends.
When I smell<span> a truffle, it's very special.</span>
Bad breath<span> related to poor oral hygiene.
</span>She stopped to regain her <span>breath.
</span>Don't throw this ball so far - it is dangerous!
Polititians tried to encourage people not to throw away<span> the bottles.
Составить предложение со словами целый, гонки, футбол, любимый , популярный, вместе, выиграть, разрешит, проблема, потому что, д
Друзья целий день билі на уліце. Гонки виграло сразу 2 гонщіка.На фізкультуре учиники іграли в футбол.Мой любимий цвет ета желтий. Мой друг очень популярний. Ми с Пашой билі вместе целий день . Наша команда очень хотела вииграть .Моя бабушка разрешит мне вийти на улицу. У меня вознікла большая проблема . Я не вийду потому что я занят . Ми с моей собакой гулялі до самого вечера .Ми с маім другом ішлі токо вперед.
On the ground is standing in the sky does not fly in the hole does not live the song does not sing - эту загадку я придумала сама