What did Miss Chatter get on her birthday?
When was the winter cold and snowy?
Why did Tiny write a Christmas card to his friend Billy yesterday?
Was Jill`s cake tasty and nice?
How did he run the day before yesterday?
Did they live in a small house?
<span>Ten past nine правильно он(она) написал(написала).</span>
Умыбзаджь-(Рус. Умыбзаджь)
Это просто каракули
1)When do you go to the cinema.
1.I'm tired of washing socks.
2.I'm angry with my sister.
3.I'm happy every day.
4.I was worried about my mother.
5. It was cold outside.
6.My friend is ill
7.I bored the lesson
8,9.I feel guilty and headache(тип впихнул два слова сразу)
10. I feel sick because I'm sick(Два раза "Сик" потому-что это одно и тоже слово,но в разных временах.)11.I was happy until I had a fever