dendrite /дендрит
The processes that lead to the body of the nerve cell nerve impulse, called dendrites. Отростки, проводящие к телу нервной клетки нервный импульс, получили название дендритов.
1. 2025
2. 27
3. Второе мая
4. 1 034 369
5. 1/5 (одна пятая)
6. 1.8
7. 1/4 (одна четвертая)
Куда ты шел? Как ты путешествовал?? Где ты остановился? Что ты видел? Какую еду предпочитал? Какая погода тебе нравилась?
Nice shape, great stamina, bulging muscles are the dreams of most people. These dreams may come true thanks to sport. Practice showed that strenuous activity is the most important stimulant of all the physiological functions of a man’s organism. This is a pledge of a successful development of mind and body. Regular exercises strengthen central nervous system, contribute to health and temper, making people strong-willed, purposeful, and active.
As any phenomenon of our life, sport has its reverse. It can do much harm to your health if using a wrong method. If a boy does exhaustive exercises every day trying to build up his muscles he just undermines his health, but not strengthens it. If a girl spares no effort to be fit doing everyday exercises she will hardly accomplish the purpose. Improper training will ruin your health.
To sum it up, there is no doubt that sport is healthy if reasonably done. If exercises are too much for you to bear they just kill you. But working out under instruction of a good coach is very wholesome.
В последнее время в Москве не так холодно, как говорят = <span>lately in Moscow winter is not as cold as they say.</span>