There are a lot of different reasons which make people happy. Its simply impossible to type all of them, cause everyone has his own preferences. Some of people need a lot of money to show their smile, another one can be happe just because of good weather outside. It depends on a traits of character of a human. Some of us can be happy because someone else is happy. As for me, happiness is a feeling which means that you have something in your heart, that you have something to reach. I will always be happy, watching my mom smiling.
I love to listen to music at any time. If I have a good mood, I like fun, catchy music. When I'm sad, and the corresponding music, slow, quiet, sad. Sometimes I really like something to do with the music. For example, when I clean the house, listen to loud your favorite songs, dance and sing along. Sometimes when I can't sleep, quietly put on some music, take headphones and so fall asleep. And just when I want to relax a little, the best way to distract as music.Sometimes there are songs that just listening and seem as if written about you. And with music it is much easier to Express your feelings, emotions, to explain something. For me music is very important. It is much easier to get through the hard moments and more fun to enjoy life. Even any occasion, be it a large event or a small birthday party is complete without music and songs. My phone and computer filled with different music. <span>So she is always with me and this is much easier, nicer and more fun to go through life.</span>
Я живу в Украине мой любимый цвет-розовый я умею кататься на велике я не могу летать я люблю мороженое я не люблю мышей
находятся 23 ребенка в моем классе у меня есть кот моего учителя зовут Лариса Петровна, я 8<span />
Сan - oznochae MOGU, a cannot -Ne Mogu
))))))))))))) имя красивое)