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<span>Complete the dialogue
Nick:Hello,Ann!How are you?
Nick:How was your birthday?
Ann:Oh,it was great.
Nick:Where did you travel?
Ann:I was in London.
Nick:What places did you visit?
Ann:I visited the Tower. It was cool.
Nick:And where did you stay in London?
Ann: I stayed in the Marriot Hotel. The food was good, the service was excellent.
Nick:What was the weather like?
Did it rain a lot?
Ann:Yes,but I was happy in this wonderful country. I recommend you to visit it.
Nick:Thank you! I hope,Ican visit it.</span>
Скопируйте формы. Послушайте и раскрасьте. Потом произнесите.
When I left home,it was raining.
I'll join you when I drink my tea.
<span>Don't speak to him, he is very busy: he is doing some very urgent work.
</span>Когда я вышел из дома, шел дождь.
Я присоединюсь к вам, когда я попью чай.
Не разговаривайте с ним, он очень занят: он делает очень <span>срочную работу.</span>