It may be hard to get only good marks at school
Может быть сложно получать только хорошие оценки в школе
From:здесь ваше имя и email
Subject:my friend
Dear Ann,
I"d like to tell you about my friend,Tom.He is in his early twenties.He is an Englishman.Tom is single and lives with his mother in a small English town Southwold.He is a student and he studies Microbiology.I think it's rather difficult.
What about his appearance,he is a tall,fair-haired fellow with blue eyes.Everybody
thinks he is very handsome.
Tom is very sociable and honest.He is very helpful.He never refuses when I need help.But sometimes is being nosy.
Tom is fond of painting.In his free time he visits the Art Museum or paints pictures.Once he will paint me,I hope.
Looking forward seeing you,
Ваше имя.
1. Потому что у него степень доктора, имеется в виду, что доктор у телефона.
2 и 3. Здесь принадлежность к семье Смитов, ключевое слово семья. То есть, он Смит (из Смитов); Смиты (семья) придёт на ужин...
4. Скорее всего это имя нарицательное (типа Doctor Who, Джокер, Бэтмэн), или имя какого-то героя.
There is a toy on the shelf. <em>
На полке лежит игрушка. </em>
There are two chocolate bars on the desk. <em>
На парте лежит два шоколадных батончика. </em>
There is no one outside. <em>
Снаружи никого. </em>
There are no people outside. <em>
Снаружи нет людей. </em>
Is there anybody here?
<em>Тут кто-нибудь есть? </em>
Are there any pupils missing classes? <em>
Есть ли ученики, прогуливающие уроки? </em>
I'm worried about healt of our environment
I find polluting the environment very worrying
I'm concerned about carrying of our environment
I'm concerned that our environment become more pollutated