1) There is a lot of litter - мусор - неисчисляемое существительное, употребляем только в ед. числе
2) in the street - со словом "улица" употребляем предлог in
3) bins - возьми во мн. числе
4) The Volga - употребляется с артиклем
5) into water - не нужен артикль, но возьми предлог into, будет точнее передан смысл, что мусор бросают в воду
6) in Volgograd - название города без артикля.
<u><em>Хорошая работа.</em></u>
A School uniform; lunch break; the first term; a difficult subject; school education; coffee/tea break; a long term; early age/education. Все что нашла.
<span>1) We often watch a good film together.
2) Sometimes we do puzzles.
3) At weekends we walk or ride bikes.
4) On holidays we make trips.
5) Best of all I like <span>going on picnics.
</span>6) We always <span>take photos of our family activies.
7) We are </span><span>never bored.</span></span>
1 Russia is much bigger than <span>the UK.
2 In </span>August
I'm going to travel to New York. <span>
3 </span><span>When
are you going to Europe?
</span>4 I'm going
to Estonia on May 6th.
5 Downing Street is the official residences of t<span>he </span>Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.