2) much
3) many
4) many
5) many
6) many
7) many
8) much
c, u, c, c, c, u, u, u, c (со второго)
Большинство животных умеют прыгать, но слоны не умеют прыгать. Улитка может спать около 3 лет. Бабочки умеют чувствовать (вкусы, запахи) с помощью ног. Кошки могут издавать сотни звуков. Собаки могут издавать 10 звуков.
I would like to tell some words about picture number 3.In this picture I can see a classroom.It's Maths lesson.The boy is standing at the blackboard.He is doing sums.I think he is answering very well.
The boy is wearing a school uniform.It's a white shirt, black trousers and a vest.
I like this picture because I think,this lesson is very interesting.
I would like to have a cat because it is a beautiful animal.
I wouldn`t like to have an hamster because they are stupid.