Большинство людей в Великобритании торопятся на работу каждое утро. Это означает, что у них нет времени приготовить традиционный английский завтрак, состоящий из яиц, бекона и сосисок. Хотя у них есть один выходной. На протяжении недели они выбирают завтрак из хлеба или тостов с чаем, кофе или фруктовым соком. Ланч состоит из простой еды. Много школьников и взрослых приносят ланч с собой из дома. Это сэндвич, пакетик чипсов, кусочки фруктов и питье. Обед-это еда для всей семьи. Спагетти болоньезе и картофельная запеканка с мясом - любимые блюда. Многие британцы заказывают еду на дом. Индийская , китайская еда или пицца - самые популярные блюда.
По субботам британцы собираются вместе на традиционное жаркое. Это ростбиф или ягненок с помидорами, овощами и соусом.
Но.. а есть что-нибудь на десерт?Самодельные пудинги, например пудинг из хлеба и масла, яблочный пирог-это все восхитительные британские десерты. Без них ни одно принятие пищи не считается завершенным!
1 My friend said that he wasn't joking.
2 He said that he had already spoken to the manager.
3 Joan told Mary that she hadn't felt very well the day before.
4 Simon said that he had to go then and added that he was in a hurry.
5 She said that she liked swimming and playing tennis.
6 Mike said that his parents were arriving the next day.
7 He said that they had been in that city two years before.
8 She said that her friend didn't like that film.
9 David said that he would help me the next day if he had time.
10 Jane said she had already translated two articles.
11 They told us they were going to stay in that hotel.
12 Julia said she would have finished her work by seven o'clock that night.
13 He said he wanted to know where I had spent the previous night.
14 My cousin said he would be working the whole day the next Friday.
15 He told me to mind my business.
1)<span>Density (specific weight) is the amount of mass in a unit volume.
2)</span>It is measured in kilograms per cubic metre. Aluminium alloys, with typical densities around 2800 kg/m3<span> are considerably less dense than steels.
3)</span>Aluminium-2800 kg/m<span>3
</span>water is 1000 kg/m<span>3
</span>steels-7800 kg/m<span>3
</span>4)<span>Stiffness (rigidity) is a measure of the resistance to deformation such as stretching or bending.
5)</span><span>The Young modulus is a measure of the resistance to simple stretching or compression.
6)</span><span>Strength is the force per unit area (stress) that a material can support without failing.
7)- вопрос не в тему
10)</span>used for part of the car body
<span>1. I heard of his being appointed director of a large plant.
2. I do not mind their coming here.
3. I remember his telling me about that a few days ago.
4. I insist on your answering them immediately.
5. I have heard of his being sent to the South.
6. You can count on his giving you accurate information.
7. There is no hope of his finishing his job by the evening.
8. I'm sorry for calling you so late yesterday.
9. Do you mind my reading the story out loud? <span>
10. Do you mind my smoking here?</span></span>