Mulberry or mulberry tree - mulberry plants, deciduous trees 10–15 m high, with lobed alternate leaves. Mulberry fruit is a complex juicy drupe, 2–3 cm long, has a different color - from white and red to dark purple. Some species have a sweet taste and a pleasant aroma. These plants live up to 200 years, sometimes up to 500. Dried mulberry trees contain almost no water, they look like dragee. Therefore, it can replace sweets.
Safe-dangerous, wide-narrow, late-early, light-dense, slow-fast
Usually I go to school.As for me, I like to gather berries. I like to watch detective films.I arrange picnic for my friends. reading books is interesting for me. I don't like sport. My father likes to read newspapers. my mother likes to watch TV. As for me I don't like parties and concerts. Usually I read books or play computer games.
2. I've already been
3. met
4. Haven't met
5. Has never fallen
6. Didn't get
2. What happened?
3. How many times have you read it?
4. Who phoned her?
5. What time did they go ?
6. When was the wedding?
Валле́тта[2][3] (мальт. Belt Valletta, англ. Valletta) — столица республики Мальта, экономический и политическийцентр государства[4]. Названа в честь рыцаря, флотоводца, магистра ордена иоаннитов Жана Паризо де ла Валлетта, защитившего остров от турок в 1565 году и основавшего город, позднее названный в его честь. Собственно город Валлетта имеет население 5719 человек (что составляет лишь 0,7 % от всего населения страны), в то время как в пригородах проживает почти 394 тысячи человек