_На русском_
Нужно выслушать учителя, извиниться перед ним, подумать над своими действиями и больше не нарушать правила!
_На английском_
You need to listen to the teacher to apologize to him, to think about their actions and do not break the rules!
1. Slutskaya and Gordeeva are two of the famousest skaters in Russia.
2. Irina Slutskaya is younger than Ekaterina Gordeeva.
3. Slutskaya is the most talented jumper of all female athletes.
4. Gordeeva and her husband won more Olympic medals than Irina.
5. Gordeeva started skating at a younger age than Irina.
There is a coupboard, a doublebed, a carpet, a table , a window , a shelf , a luster , walls , books , a chair , a light in my room
Bill's relatives are very kind, clean and hardworking.