Waterfalls - водопады - исчисляемое
flowers - цветы - исчисляемое
biscuits - в значении "хлебцы" </span>- исчисляемое
biscuit - бисквит - неисчисляемое
languages - языки (иностранные) </span>- исчисляемое
cakes </span>- пирожные, торты - исчисляемое
glasses - в значении "стакан" - </span> исчисляемое
glass - в значении "трава" - неисчисляемое
Множественное число на английском. Scarf, day, cap, boy, ear, match, knife, student, eye, school, fox, man, baby, mane, ball, gl
scarves, days, caps, boys, ears, matches, knives, students, eyes, schools, foxes, men, babies, manes, balls, glasses, feet, children.
<span><em>I am a scientist. I have spent many years studying the moon. I was sure that aliens live there. Sending to the moon my son I went with them to communicate. They could speak my language. They told us that want to live on earth because the moon has no water. Now I know that they exist.</em>
Картинку фышли с упражнением ато не понятно о чём
1 Winter in Moscow is colder than in London.
2 Winter in London is warmer than in Moscow.
3 It is snowing heavily in London.
4 Yesterday we made a big snowman.
5. Yura enjoys winter.
6. John doesn`t like winter.
7 It often rains in winter in London.
8 It doesn`t often snow at Christmas in London.
9 It often snows in January in Moscow.
10The days will become longer in February.