<span>Статуя свободы- one of the most famous sculptures in the USA and in the world, often called the "symbol of new York and the United States", "symbol of freedom and democracy", "Lady Liberty". It is a gift from the citizens of France for the centenary of the American revolution.</span>
Это из Family and Friends 5 ?
Если ещё будут вопросы из этой книги обращайся !
1) Hose
2) train
3) site
4) flood
5) breathing apparatus
6) accident
7) check
8) rescued
I use;play; extract
You use;play; extract
He, she , it uses; plays; extracts
Ну, тут вообще чисто на твое мнение конечно, ну ладно
1) won't
2) will
3) won't
4) will
5) won't
6) will