The most popular souvenir of our country is a nested doll. Children especially love this toy. Since Russia is famous for its freezing cold, the second most famous souvenir is a hat with earflaps and warm scarves. And of course, many tourists bring vodka to their countries from Russia, because you will not find such anywhere else.
Самый популярный сувенир нашей страны - это матрешка. Особенно дети любят эту игрушку. Так, как Россия знаменита совим холодом, то второй самый известный сувенир - это шапка ушанка и теплые шарфы. И конечно же много туристов везут в свои страны из россии водку, потому что такуюнигде больше не найдешь.
1 did you know
2 where
3 go
4 already
5 for
6 's having
7 didnt
8 've
The man tries again to stand up says, Madam, you kindly allows me to.. But once more the lady is cut him short saying , I wish not to accept your seat, sir and forces him back with another push.
1. Bought
2. Came, was having
3. Left
4. Was, came
5. Could, said, had been playing
6. Knew, had happened
7. Were watching, called
8. Turned up, had eaten
9. Looked
10. Passed, had been preparing
11. Saw
12. Had been waiting, called, said, would be
13. Fell, knocked
14. Admitted, was
15. Met