Do you still distrust me?(я так перевела)
Привет, я хороший человек (красивый).
John Joes Nail Nelson Michael Emily William Sarah
Isabella <span>Justin</span>
<span>1. Our firm <u>guarantees</u> (Present Simple Active)
prompt and safe delivery of any freight “from door to door”.
2. You <u>will find</u> (Future Simple Active) all the necessary information
about the train movement in the railway-guide.
3. The total length of all railway lines in Russia <u>is equal</u> (Present
Simple Active) to three times the length of the Equator.
4. All railwaymen <u>have</u> (Present Simple Active) the right of free travel
by train once a year.
5. When we <u>entered</u> (Past Simple Active) the car, we <u>opened</u> (Past
Simple Active) the window because it <u>was</u> very <u>stuffy</u> (Past Simple
Active) in the compartment.</span>
This is here
This is not here