Tiny likes summer.because he born in this season.He likes June.July and August. думаю что так.
The Golden Boys
by Chris Rose
Mr and Mrs Hamilton had two sons. Richard was the same age as me, and his brother Philip was two years older than me. Richard and Philip were both taller than me. Richard and Philip were very friendly, and both very handsome. They were much friendlier and more handsome than me. They made friends with everyone, and organised the games of volleyball on the beach or swimming races in the sea with the other children. They always won the games of volleyball and the swimming races. My parents liked Richard and Philip a lot. Why can't you be more like Richard and Philip?" they said to me. "Look at them! They make friends with everyone! They are polite, good boys! You just sit here reading books and doing nothing! l, of course, hated them.
Richard and Philip, Richard and Philip, Richard and Philip – it was all I ever heard from my parents every August for twelve years. Richard and Philip were perfect. Everything about them was better than anything about me. Even their green beach umbrella was better than our red and white one.
I was sixteen years old the last summer we went there. Perfect Richard and perfect Philip came to the beach one day and said that they were going to have a barbecue at lunchtime. They were going to cook for everyone! “Forget your cheese sandwiches”, they laughed, “Come and have some hamburgers or barbecue chicken with us! We’re going to cook!”
My parents, of course, thought this was wonderful. “Look at how good Richard and Philip are! They’re going to do a barbecue and they’ve invited everybody! You couldn’t organise a barbecue!”
Life in the rain forest
Orangutans come from the forests of Southeast Asia.
People are looking after these baby orangutans because they haven`t got any mothers. When the babies grow up they can go back to their homes in the wild.
This flying squirrel lives in the canopy of the rain forest. It flies from thee to tree.
My grandmother was fond of gardening
my sister fond of travveling
bred pit is fond of reading
sasha grey isfond of keeping fit
melisa are fond of keeping secret
1. Last month, my friend got an apartment in the new paradise Onex.
2. The other day we received a request to Office equipment.
3. Three months ago, the m-rUolton visited Moscow and met Hsia with businessmen of several companies.
4. Yesterday I was very tired because I had a lot of work.
5. Last week, our engineers went to the factory to see the new equipment.
I really like English lessons. In the classroom we Chita it new texts and discuss many interesting problems. We pretty much speak anglijskina classes, but few write. We are engaged in house to well know English.
1. Last week I was in a movie. Shel new detective film. I don't really like detectives, but this movie loved me. It is very interesting, and it played many popular ljarnye actors. I recommended my friends to see this movie.
2. is the weekend on tv I watched English movie
the film is one of the novels of Agatha Christie (Agatha Christie).
"What is it?
The film is about the crime (crime) in a small English town. It plays many popular actors. In my opinion, is a very good movie. I'd like to see him at Ang lijskom language.