My mother reminded my not to forget my keys
Linda asked if I liked reading
Stive asked what was my favourite film
Martin said that we had a wonderful party yesterday
Tom said that that film was worth seeing
Two hundred hours, fourty hours, two hundred eighty eight hours, twelve days (ту хандрэд хауэз, фоти хауэз, ту хандрэд эйти эйт хауэз, твелв дэйс)
Ann wanted me to wait her after school
id like anybody to help me
i expect him to come
she made me to eat soup
i see her crossed the street
i hear him singing
i like her singing
she wished her daughter to go to the ballet school
she made us to do it just now
the girl would like her father to buy her a toy
Портфолио: Представьте, что ваши родители отвезли вас в старый дом / квартиру своего места рождения. Вы рады видеть это, предложения, чтобы выступить с диалогом между вами и вашим отцом / мамой. Запишите себя.
I really like it here, it's a beautiful place. I feel different here. I am very glad that you brought me here. It is very cozy and warm atmosphere. I like this house so much.