Нормальная фотка есть?
вот перевод
Русские в этой сказке Иван Царевич и Елена прекрасная имеют много опасных приключений. Волк спасает их и помогает им вернуться домой. Посмотрите на эту замечательную картину. Иван Царевич и красивая девушка верхом на сером волке. Елена красивая Африканка из темного леса и она Африканка из большого серого волка. Но Иван Царевич не глуп Волка, потому что Волк-его друг. Волк помогает им. Другая картина называется "Аленушка". Помните русскую сказку о сестре и брате, Аленушке и Иванушке? Один горячий, солнечный, они гуляли долгое время. Тот. жаждущий. Он видел козла с близкого расстояния.
Fast - faster - the fastest
expensive - more expensive - the most expensive
QUICKLY - more QUICKLY - the most <span>QUICKLY</span>
<span>As we with Katya was bored. We decided to run in the Park near the house. But first we called the classmate of rum and invited him to join us. Roman promised to come back. Slowly we reached the Park and began Jogging. And suddenly we saw that navtrechu we ran to little bear. We were terrified. We tried to calm down, but failed and began to scream from fear. At this time, the bear was very close to us. It was so Dutko that I cried. I postrel on her, she laughed. I could not understand her. She explained that the bear was not real, that it's someone dressed as a bear. Because it was 1st of April. Roma wanted to make a joke and got dressed in a bear costume. But from a distance it looked very real. Soon we all laughed. Roma wanted to see us, and really scared.</span>
Dear, Pit! Hello, how are you? How do you do? Well, I'm good, my parents too. Now in (твой город) warm and sunny, I like this weather! How at school? I am going to the club tomorrow, it's my favorite club, sport club, we are playing (любой спорт, занятие). The teachers of this club very fantastic! I love it! I will be waiting yours letter! Good bye!
1) Did he ski?
2) Did they skate?
3) Did they work?
4) Did he jump?
5) Did she skip?
6) Did it stop?
7) Did she help them?