I pupil, usually, music, due, excuse, cube, suit, cUcumber, unit, Tuesday, tube, student, tune.
II Sunday, bug, lunch, cut, buzz, sun, uncle, understand, but, cucUmber, bun, bug.
III fur, nurse, Thursday, burst, turn, turkey, burn, curly, hurt.
IV cure, secure, sure.
Blue - u:
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Можно воспользоваться этим клеше
А вообще если сложно что то придумать загугли топики на английском на тему которая тебе нужна..и скатывай нужное ищ контекста..это на случай если здесь не помогут.
1.I am not watching a film with a friend.
2.It is not moving away from the center.
3.They are playing tennis now.
4.They are not working hard.
5.We are not doing it.
6.She is cooking dinner at the moment.
1 yet, 2 already, 3 since, 4 just, 5 just, 6?, 7 just, 8 for, 9 for, 10 since, 11 for, 12 for, 13 yet, since