2) mr Mills has ( hasn't)repainted...
3) Mr Mills has (hasn't) brought ...
4) Mr Mills has ( hasn't) found....
5)mrs Mills has ( hasn't)decorated...
6) they have (haven't) painted...
Разделительные вопросы в английском языке. Они состоят из 2-х частей. Первая – утвердительная или отрицательная, вторая – «хвостик» — краткий общий вопрос. Части разделительного вопроса отделяются запятой. На русский язык хвостик вопроса переводится: <em>не правда ли?, не так ли?, ведь так?, разве не так?</em>
Если первая часть вопроса утвердительная, то «хвостик» будет отрицательным. Если же основная часть отрицательная, то «хвостик» будет положительным. В разделительном вопросе краткий вопрос состоит из:
1) вспомогательного глагола
2) частицы not, если нам нужен отрицательный хвостик при утвердительной основной части;
3) подлежащего, выраженного личным местоимением.
1. You like sports, don`t you?
2. This is your favorite song, isn't it?
In the kingdom appeared a lot of lions. All people afraid of them. Lions and other animals had eaten all food. Somebody opened door of king's room, and lions went to this room, all people that work went home. And king asked help of elephants. Only elephants could help him. And they help, all animals went to their home. But appeared mice, and elephants help again.
1) her; mine
2) their; ours
3) our; hers
4) your; theirs
5) his; yours
6) my; theirs
7) his; yours
8) their; hers
9) our; his
10) her; ours
All people have a lot of friends, but not everyone has someone to trust.
I have a friend, his name is Anatoly. We met each other in the first grade. We have been friends for over 8 years.
He isn't tall, has dark hair, and he just a wonderful person. He knows a lot of information about computers.
We support one football club, and often watch matches together. We very rarely fight, because we have no reasons to do it.
He is the best man I ever met. I am very thankful to him for all things that he has done for me.