2. she’s not getting up home
3. brings
4. do
5. he’s not getting up
6. stays
7. have
8. don’t have
9. he’s not liking
10. aren’t getting up
11. don’t see
12. lives
Плавание с аквалангом, подводное плавание
1. got, saw
2. like
3. is, think, is
4. did you see
5. put
6. can, could
7. is, was, does not work
8. went
9. goes, plays, gives
10. did not do, was
11 came, helped
12. saw
13. sings, could not
14. does, wants
15. gives
16. swim
17. gave, said
18. goes, is, wants
19. has, knows
20. did you have, don't like
21. skated, skied
22. ate, dinn't eat, eats
23. did you drink, drank
24. know, knew
26. could
27. are playing - указание на данный момент словом now и процесс, употребляется Present Continuous
28. is, has
29. did
30. is, gave
31. am writing- указание на процесс и определенный момент словами at the moment, употребляется Present Continuous, coul dnot
32. came, had, did, went
1. The teacher made him write his exercise again.
2. My sister agreed help me clean the room.
3. The decided do the homework.
4. I don't want go to the cinema.
5. I would rather watching a film.
1) Have you got a pet?
c) Yes. I’ve got a camel.<span>
What’s its name? a) Ashby.</span></span>
What does it like to eat? e) Grass and apples.</span>
What is it like? b) Ashby is big, kind and strong.</span>
What can it do? d) Ashby
likes my father to carry things. </span>