if I could create the perfect school it would be this: my school would be near the house so it was not far to go, the lessons would have been reading at 9 and lasted for 35-40 minutes, at this school it would be possible to choose which lesson to go / 52 слова
если бы я мог создать идеальную школу то она была бы такая: моя школа находилась бы рядом с домом чтоб было не далеко ходить, уроки начитались бы в 9 и длились 35-40 минут, в этой школе можно было бы выбирать на какой урок пойти
1. I have got two grandmothers but both of my grandfathers died. 2. Grandparents on my mum's and dad's side both have got two children. 3. No, I haven't. 4. Yes, he's got a younger sister. 5. Yes, she's got an older brother. 6. Yes I have got an aunt. 7. Yes I have got an uncle.