1) Джон, был ли ты дома? - John, whether there were you at home?
2) Джон, помогал ли ты родителям? - John, whether you helpedto parents?
Извини, дальше не могу(((
1 is there a carpet in my room?
2 are there three windows in my room?
3 is there a sofa and four chairs in my living room?
4 is there a table, four chairs and two lamps in our room?
5 is there a plate and cups on the table?
6 are there two bedrooms and a bathroom in my house?
Ай хев гот ту айс, э маус энд э ноус, Ай хев гот ту фит, бат я хевент гот э тойс! ту хэндс, ту ирс, энд лотс оф хеар вот ай эм? ай эм тедди беар